You will find out soon enough during the cold weather if there is a problem with your battery. Your battery has to work harder to get the engine to suck in the air and petrol. Ask us to perform a free battery test while your car is in our workshop, and avoid the unfortunate situation of being stuck in the rain and cold, unable to start your car!
Check Your Tyres
Very importantly, check condition of your tyres. Rain on our roads can bring oils to the surface making roads more slippery and dangerous. Check the tread on your tyres before winter to make sure you have enough traction. If your tyres are worn down, you should replace them as soon as possible. Cold weather can also reduce your tyre pressures. If you haven’t checked the air pressures in your tyres since the cold weather kicked in, we recommend checking them at your earliest opportunity, and do so regularly!

Do A Lights Check
For your safety and of others on the road, you should make sure all your lights are working. Have a friend to help you check. If you find any lights not working properly, make a booking with us to get it checked out. It may be as simple as a replacing a globe, but it could also indicate a blown fuse or electrical fault.

And of course...Service Your Vehicle
We know we tell you this all the time, but … service your car! Extreme weather conditions, (be it hot or cold) can tendency to cause unseen problems with your car to come to the surface. Servicing your car is important to do all year round in order to prevent costly repairs. When your car is serviced with us, we automatically check the condition of your battery, tyres, windscreen wipers and all your lights. And if you do find yourself in the unfortunate position of breaking down, all our services come with 6 months roadside assistance membership - meaning you will be back on the road again in no time!
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